
  • As someone whose family has faced homelessness I can truly understand the struggles and issues that face the homeless community. This is my top priority and will be solved with new leadership.

    1. Expand mental health services and ensure easy accessibility

      Mental health is a critical component in addressing homelessness. We will expand mental health services to be more accessible in communities ensuring that those struggling can receive the support and care they need. This includes increasing the number of mental health professionals, providing mobile health units and ensuring that mental health services are integrated into existing shelters and support centers.

    2. Invest in Mobile and Public Showers

      Hygiene is a fundamental human need. By investing in mobile shower units and increasing the number of public showers, we ensure that everyone has access to basic sanitation. This initiative not only helps maintain dignity but also improves public health.

    3. Create Financial Literacy Programs

      To prevent homelessness, we need to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to manage their finances effectively. By creating and supporting financial literacy programs, we can help people make informed decisions about money management, saving, and spending, thus reducing the risk of falling into homelessness.

    Together, we can tackle the challenges of homelessness with understanding, practical solutions and a commitment to uplift every member of our community. My plan focuses on addressing immediate needs while also working towards long-term stability and prevention.

  • Waikiki’s crime rate has skyrocketed since I was a child. Being able to hang out with friends seems like a dream in this day and age. We need to address the safety of our city and create a place where we can raise our keiki to thrive. Now there are needles and drugs littered in our streets that we need to get rid of.

    1. Shipping Container Inspection Program

      In response to the rising concerns about fentanyl and illegal fireworks entering Hawaii, the Shipping Container Inspection Program is designed to intensify the frequency of container checks at Hawaii’s ports. This program will see an increase in funding to support more comprehensive and frequent inspections of incoming shipments. By bolstering the resources and manpower dedicated to port inspections, the initiative aims to significantly reduce the influx of these dangerous and illegal items. This proactive approach demonstrates a commitment to addressing a critical safety concern and ensuring the well-being of the community.

    2. Smart Safety Initiatives

      Adopting new public safety technologies that enhance the ability of law enforcement to keep our public spaces safe while ensuring proper privacy and civil liberties protections. Implementing body-worn cameras and data analytics tools will help law enforcement respond more effectively to potential threats while maintaining transparency and accountability. These technologies will create a safer environment for all residents.

    3. Youth Engagement Programs for Crime Prevention

      Engaging youth in educational and interactive programs focusing on crime prevention and community safety is key to fostering a safe environment. These programs aim to increase awareness among young people about the consequences of illegal activities, including smuggling and drug use. Involving workshops, community service projects, and mentorship opportunities, the initiative allows youth to collaborate with law enforcement and community leaders. Investing in youth education and involvement cultivates an informed, vigilant, and proactive generation in combating crime.

  • Our educational system needs a massive change. We have one of the lowest-rated public schools in the nation while having one of the highest spending per student. If we want real change for the future of Hawaii we need to start teaching our youth vital skills that will prepare them for the future

    1. Teacher Autonomy and Minimal Standardized Testing

      A successful education system grants teachers significant autonomy and minimizes standardized testing. By giving teachers the freedom to tailor their teaching methods to best suit their students, we can foster creativity and individualized learning. This approach will enhance teacher satisfaction and student outcomes by focusing on personalized education and reducing the emphasis on standardized tests.

    2. Subsidized Housing for Educators

      Providing subsidized housing for educators can help attract and retain high-quality teachers. By reducing the cost of living for teachers, we can ensure that our schools are staffed with dedicated professionals who are committed to improving student outcomes. This initiative will also help alleviate the financial burdens that often deter talented individuals from entering the teaching profession.

    3. Agricultural Education

      Introducing agricultural education in early childhood through programs that emphasize the importance of agriculture can foster environmental awareness and practical skills. Teaching children about farming, gardening, and sustainability will prepare them for future challenges and instill a sense of responsibility towards the environment.

    4. High School Technical Training Programs

      Expanding technical training programs in high schools will provide students with practical skills and career opportunities beyond traditional academic paths. By offering courses in trades such as plumbing, electrical work, and computer programming, we can ensure that students are equipped with valuable skills that are in demand in the job market.

  • Our community’s health is a critical issue that needs our immediate attention. We need to implement stronger measures to combat emerging health threats, provide comprehensive health education, and ensure that our keiki and kupuna receive the robust support they need. By focusing on these areas, we can build a healthier and stronger Hawaii for everyone.

    1. Ban Flavored E-Cigarettes

    I will champion legislation to ban the sale and use of flavored electronic cigarettes and vaping products to protect public health, tobacco companies use predatory practices to target our youth. By addressing this growing public health concern, we can reduce the risks associated with vaping and ensure a healthier future for our community.

    2. Improve Health Education

    Enhance health education in schools to teach students about nutrition, physical activity, mental health, and substance abuse prevention. Comprehensive health education can empower our youth with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed choices and lead healthy lives.

    3. Support Kupuna Health

    Develop programs to support the health and well-being of seniors, including access to healthcare, preventive services, and community-based support networks. By prioritizing kupuna health, we can ensure that our older residents receive the care and support they need to live healthy, fulfilling lives.

  • We have one of the highest costs of living, and more and more locals are leaving Hawaii to find better opportunities on the mainland. Throughout the years, we have seen the decline of our locals and local businesses. We need to keep money in Hawaii by supporting our local entrepreneurs and ensuring that our economy works for everyone. By fostering a business environment that prioritizes local ownership and sustainability, we can create a resilient and prosperous community.

    1. Support for Small Businesses

      Providing comprehensive support for local entrepreneurs through grants, tax incentives, and training programs will stimulate economic growth and create more job opportunities. Strengthening the small business sector will enhance Hawaii’s economy and foster a thriving local business environment.

    2. Workforce Development Programs

      Encouraging lifelong learning by providing credits for continuing education and training will help residents stay competitive in a rapidly changing job market. Investing in workforce development programs will ensure that residents can continuously upgrade their skills and remain adaptable.

    3. Diversifying the Economy

      Supporting local farmers is essential for economic diversification. Investing in modern agricultural techniques and providing financial assistance to farmers will boost local food production and reduce dependency on imports. Additionally, creating cooperative networks and local food hubs can help farmers reach new markets and increase their profitability. By focusing on these areas, Hawaii can build a more resilient and diversified economy.

  • With more and more scandals happening in our politics lately, trust in the government is at its worst. We need to change our system and rebuild that trust by being more transparent and upholding integrity. By implementing stronger oversight, enforcing ethical standards, and increasing accountability, we can restore faith in our government and ensure it truly serves the people of Hawaii.

    1. Transparency in Government

      Implementing measures to increase transparency in government operations and decision-making processes will enhance public trust. This includes making government data more accessible, ensuring public meetings are open and well-publicized, and requiring regular reporting on government activities and expenditures.

    2. Digital Government Services

      Digitizing government services simplifies bureaucracy and enhances efficiency. Making government services more accessible online will reduce administrative burdens and improve the overall experience for residents.

    3. Government Oversight and Accountability

      I want to enhance government oversight and accountability by strengthening the powers and resources of the Hawaii State Auditor, Hawaii Ethics Commission, and the Campaign Spending Commission. Increasing funding and authority for these bodies will ensure thorough audits, ethical conduct, and transparency, ultimately leading to a more trustworthy and efficient government.

  • With big tech companies and AI becoming increasingly prevalent, we need to ensure that these industries are properly regulated to uphold people's right to privacy. Protecting personal data from misuse and ensuring transparency in how data is collected and used is essential. By implementing strong data privacy laws and holding companies accountable, we can safeguard our residents' information and maintain their trust in the digital age.

    1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

      Adopting a GDPR-like framework will provide robust data protection for residents, ensuring their personal information is handled responsibly and securely. The GDPR sets a high standard for data protection, emphasizing individual rights and organizational responsibilities. This comprehensive approach will enhance trust in local businesses and government while aligning Hawaii with global data protection practices.

    2. Cybersecurity Education and Training

      Investing in cybersecurity education and training programs will help protect residents and businesses from cyber threats. By increasing awareness and knowledge about data security, we can build a more resilient community that is better equipped to handle potential cyber incidents.

    3. Strengthening Data Privacy Regulations for Businesses

      Implementing stringent data privacy regulations for businesses will ensure that companies are held accountable for protecting personal information. This includes mandatory data protection policies, regular audits, and significant penalties for non-compliance, which will enhance overall data security and trust.